
LEONARDO BRUSCAGIN ## Milanese from Arre, 58 years old, concierge

Arre is a small town near Padua with 2,000 inhabitants. Here Leonardo Bruscagin was born. At 14 years old he made a very specific choice of life: he enrolled at the Istituto Alberghiero of Abano Terme, 30 kilometers North-East of the town. It was 1971 and since then Leonardo has come a long way. Ten years later, in 1981, he stopped in Milan. Today at nearly 60 years old, a wife and a 25 year old son, he is the Four Seasons hotel concierge, in Via Gesù 6. In practice, the hotel porter who takes care of all the customers’ needs. Leonardo Bruscagin has a slight and quite funny Venetian-Lombard inflection.

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