
MICHELE MONINA ## Milanese from Ancona, 47 years old, narrator

This gentleman in the picture below, who doesn’t look like Gabriel Garko nor Carlo Conti, and not even any of the Dear Jack, is called Michele Monina and has written about songs for ilfattoquotidiano.it for a little over a year. In all this time he managed to piss off many people – artists, record companies, press officers etc. – to be read a lot – so far about six million contacts – to be detested by most of the journalists who cover more or less the same issues. Unlike them – who are almost always boring for lack of news, style and their old Democristiano Doroteo DNA – Monina has a smooth and competent writing, maybe sometimes a bit too vulgar and self-centered, but always pleasant and irreverent. For example, reviewing Laura Pausini’s new album, he wrote: ‘If she had wanted the album’s title to be more pertinent with its concept (Simili, Ed.), she could have easily entitled it A cazzo di cane…. (Italian for ‘Ass-backwards’). In short, Monina doesn’t mince words. If you follow the Sanremo Music Festival and, like everyone else, you like to shoot everyone down in front of the TV in the company of relatives and friends, remember his name and occasionally throw a glance at what he writes. Milanese from Ancona, 47 years old, wife and four children, he has published 66 books – especially on music – that have sold about one million copies. He is currently in Sanremo and, if someone doesn’t run him over, will be back in town next Sunday.

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