Turismo a Milano: record a maggio 2023

Turismo a Milano: si parla di una città conosciuta per le sue bellezze e attrazioni che…

GIULIA MIZZONI ## Milanese from Rome, 31 years old, sports presenter and commentator

Milanese from Rome, Giulia Mizzoni has lived in Milan for five years, she is 31 years…

GIÒ FORMA ## Milanesi from Livorno, Milan and Hamburg, 46 years old, architect, artist, designer

Two words: Giò Forma. If one is not in the field – the field of the…

LORENZO VIOLA ## Milanese from Rho, 40 years old, architect (and sommelier)

Lorenzo Viola is a brain that got back home. One of those who, after a long…

BARNABA PONCHIELLI ## Milanese from Milan, 42 years old, agitator

Great-grandson of the famous nineteenth-century composer Amilcare Ponchielli, son of the first Italian photo editor Gianni…

ELISABETTA ROSSINI ED ELENA URSO ## Milanesi from Varese and Milan, 38 and 41 years old, leaders in pedagogy

How do the Milanesi manage parenting? When asked this very simple question, Elisabetta Rossini (on the…

GIANLUCA IOVINE AND LINDA OVADIA ## Milanesi from Merate and Milano, 32 and 36 years old, enterpreneurs

For a year and a half now, in the Lambrate area there is a market where…

ILARIA BOCCARDI ## Milanese from Taranto, 34 years old, press officer

Ilaria Boccardi came to Milan by chance eight years ago and from that day on she…

MICHELE MONINA ## Milanese from Ancona, 47 years old, narrator

This gentleman in the picture below, who doesn’t look like Gabriel Garko nor Carlo Conti, and…

VALERIO MASSIMO VISINTIN ## Milanese from Milan, 52 years old, food critic

At the appointment for the photos and the interview he showed up as you see him,…

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